Installing an Orlando garage door opener is not a simple do it yourself job. However, it is true that garage door openers made today are a lot easier to fit than a few years ago. There is nothing preventing you from installing the opener yourself if you have reasonable DIY skills.
You will find explicit fitting instructions with the majority of all new Orlando garage door opener kits. It is imperative that you follow these instructions to the letter. Whatever you do, don’t become a know it all and try to work it out yourself. In reality, garage door openers can be very dangerous if not fitted correctly, due to the high tension springs that are used. You could quite easily end up hurting yourself or somebody around you.
Steps to Install a Garage Door Opener
The first step, before installing Orlando garage door opener, is to check how well the garage door itself works. Most if not all garage doors are fairly heavy. A garage door opener will be designed for a certain weight of door. It should go without saying to ensure that the garage door opener that you are installing is capable of working with the weight of your door. You may find out that your door is too light, in which case, it will need reinforcing.
Checking the actual operation of the Orlando garage door should be your next step. If you find that the door doesn’t open easily, it could be due to faulty springs which will need to be repaired before attempting to fit the opener. If the garage door has seen better days, you may be looking at installing a new one. If that is the case, you will also need to ensure that the framework is capable of supporting the new door to which the new opener is being fitted.
The Orlando garage door opener will have a power unit. Make sure that you site this where it will not get in the way of anybody walking around inside the garage. The opener will include a power cord which should only be within reach of an adult. Although it should go without saying, the electrical supply should be disconnected when working with the permanent wiring required to power the opener.
More hands make less work and you may find it quicker to enlist some help when installing your new garage door opener. You will need a selection of tools which are listed below:
- Stepladder
- Drill
- Spirit level
- Tape Measure
- Hammer
- Various Screwdrivers
- Side Cutters
- Pliers
- Adjustable Wrench
- Hacksaw
You will find three distinct types of garage door opener. The easiest and simplest one to fit is the screw drive. Once fitted, it will require little or no maintenance as it has no belts or chains. All garage door openers must, by law, have a built in safety feature that reverses the door operation should it happen to hit something or somebody on it’s way down. Make sure that any wall control buttons are fitted well out of reach of small children so that they cannot play with the door. For extra safety, infrared beam boxes should be installed near the bottom of the garage door opening.
Installation of a garage door opener should only be undertaken by somebody who more advanced in DIY work. Whatever you do, don’t cut corners when it comes to safety. Apart from anything else, garage doors are extremely heavy and can be very dangerous if not handled correctly. As well as the size and weight, garage door springs are also a danger due to the great tension they are under.
Having second thoughts about doing it yourself? Give us at King Garage Door a Call and we can handle all of your Garage Door Service in Orlando, FL at affordable rates