Home improvement projects take up a lot of your time and money. The garage often becomes the last on the list for a makeover and usually the short end on the funds. The good news is that garage door prices can be affordable.
There are some areas of the garage door Orlando where cost comes into play:
- What it’s made of. The materials that make up the door figures in the total cost. Wooden garage doors Orlando made completely of hardwood tend to be more expensive than those made of a combination of hardwood and plywood or insulating materials.
Fiberglass and aluminum doors are less expensive than wooden doors. However, many homeowners find the charm and the design possibilities of wooden doors worth the investment. Aluminum doors dent easily too and may not be suitable if the driveway is used for various activities such as the hockey or basketball half-court of the kids.
Heavy weather stripping can cost too. Consider the climate in your area. Homes located in places where the rise and fall of temperature is not too drastic do not require as much weather stripping and insulation than those homes in places with harsh winters.
- What design you’re after. It may seem that Orlando prices for garage door are not highly affected by the design, but there are some instances where it does. For example, doors with glass accents tend to be more expensive, especially with stylized or etched glass details. The glass windows are best suited for those who need additional light in their garage even when the door is closed.
Choosing between a flip-up and a roll-up mechanism also makes a big difference. Flip-up or canopy door types are more affordable than roll-up doors. The former is the most popular for homes, provided that there is ample clearance for the door to swing up and over. Sectional roll-up doors are more expensive but they save on space and allow you to park right in front of the door as it opens.
- What accessories you want added. Door for garage prices Orlando will also depend on the additional features you want included. Prices in automatic doors vary, depending on the preferred safety features.
Special entrances or wicket doors can also be installed. These doors allow you to enter and exit the garage without having to fully open the door.
- Who’s installing it. DIY or leave it with the pros? There are many do-it-yourself garage door kits in the market today. Going DIY will let you cross out the additional installation cost. All you’ll need are a few basic tools and a clear, sunny weekend.
However, you may have to have the professionals install the door if the size of the garage does not match any of the standard pre-fabricated cuts or if you’re all thumbs in home improvement projects.
There are many designs out there that are pre-cut to fit most garage door sizes. The key to getting the best deal in prices on doors for garage is to be clear in the size of the garage, how you plan to use the garage (as a multi-function work shed or a simple carport), and your budget.
Henry Baldwin is a garage door expert and a contributing author for Garage Door Superstore. He specializes in educating purchasers about the following types of doors for garage: Up & Over, Roller Doors, Sectional Doors, Side Hinged, and Personnel Door. He is also an expert in the following brands: Cardale, Cedar Door, Garador, Hormann. Seceuroglide, Novoferm, Teckentrup, and Wessex. Garage door openers by Hormann and Seip are his specialty as well!
We Are Here To Help You
Our team at King Garage Door are here to assist with your conversion. If you are planning to convert your garage space into living space, we can remove your garage doors. The garage doors are extremely heavy. We can professionally dismantle them for you, without risking damage to yourself or your home. Call us today (407) 358-6684 , our experts are on hand to help you.